If you are a leader who has not yet bought into the idea of “remote work” take heart, for you can set your team up for success by considering a few strategies for supporting remote workers. Here are some suggestions:
Remote workers can feel isolated, so leaders can prioritize regular communication with their team. This can include daily check-ins, weekly team meetings, and one-on-one video calls. Watch the nonverbal communication in team meetings and one-on-ones to ensure you are providing a remote environment that is psychologically safe and engaging. Leaders can also encourage open and honest communication and be available to answer questions and provide guidance.
Leaders can also ensure that their remote workers have access to the necessary technology tools to perform their job duties effectively. This can include providing laptops, headsets, and other hardware, as well as software and cloud-based tools for communication, project management, and collaboration. It can also include setting clear policies and practices for the use of personal devices to access company resources.
Povide training and professional development opportunities for their remote employees. Encourage remote workers to seek out opportunities for learning and development and provide the necessary resources to support this. If there is a small budget for professional development, reward remote employees who seek out and share free professional development resources and opportunities. Set a culture of modeling collegiality by exemplifying a model a growth mindset and actively seek out opportunities for their own learning and development.
This can include online courses, webinars, and coaching to help employees develop new skills and stay engaged in their work. Encourage remote workers to seek out opportunities for learning and development and provide the necessary resources to support this. Model a growth mindset and actively seek out opportunities for their own learning and development.
WorkForceRemote.org offers training to fully remote and hybrid workers by providing research based remote standards of professionalism. Reach out and ask us how we can help your team with our Remote Professional Certification.

Remote work offers flexibility that can benefit both the employer and employee. Leaders can be open to flexible work arrangements that suit their team’s needs and help them maintain a healthy work-life balance. This can include flexible work hours, job-sharing, and other arrangements that work for everyone involved. Find out what options your organization will support and ask your remote team members what they would love to experience!
Clear expectations help remote workers understand their roles and responsibilities and what is expected of them. Set clear goals and objectives and provide employees with the necessary resources and support to achieve them.
Consider the perspective of a remote worker. Remote workers are already in an environment that can seem disconnected from the on-site workplace, so as a leader, ensure your remote staff members do not feel uncertain about expectations related to communication, decision making, professionalism and work performance.
Provide regular feedback to their remote workers to help them stay motivated and engaged. Regular feedback is crucial to helping remote workers improve their performance and stay engaged. Remote leaders can also provide constructive feedback that is specific, actionable, and delivered in a timely manner. This can include both positive feedback to acknowledge good work and constructive feedback to help employees address areas for improvement.
Encourage two-way feedback to create a culture of open communication and collaboration. This can involve seeking feedback from remote workers on their experience of working remotely and using this feedback to improve processes and policies.
Recognizing and rewarding good work helps to motivate remote workers and create a positive work culture. Acknowledge good work and provide meaningful recognition and rewards, such as public recognition, bonuses, or promotions. Be sure to find the strengths of everyone on the team and avoid highlighting just a few chosen ones. This type of perceived favoritism can be counter-productive.
This can include regular performance reviews, praise for a job well done, and incentives to recognize outstanding work. What is an incentive? Ask your remote team what motivates them. An incentive program is only as good as employees view it as a reward, not an obligation.
Mental health and well-being
Remote work can be isolating and stressful, so prioritize the team’s mental health and well-being. This can include providing resources for mental health support, encouraging breaks and time off, and fostering a positive and inclusive work culture.
By providing the necessary support and resources, leaders can help their remote workers feel connected, engaged, and productive.
What else can I do to support my remote team?
Contact us to sign up (both you and your remote team) for the Remote Professional Certification. In this track, remote workers will learn strategies to enhance remote work in the following areas using our PACE Model: Productivity, Access, Communication, and Engagement.
Invest in your development as a remote leader in our Remote Leader Certification track. Learn strategies to develop a flourishing and engaged remote team.
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