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Remote Leader Certification

The Remote Leader Certificate track is for the aspiring or current leader managing remote professionals or a hybrid workforce. This track was created to help leaders develop confidence in their abilities to lead remote teams of one or more remote professionals.

Prerequisite: Participants must complete the Remote Professional Certification before beginning this program.


Courses & Key Topics

Following are the four courses and just a few key topics that make up our Remote Leader Certification track.

LDR-1 Productivity Course

Productivity 201

Apply leadership strategies to identify, measure, and track productivity factors in the remote work environment.

Delegation and Empowerment

Balancing Autonomy and Accountability

Productivity Tools and Analytics

Decision Making and Problem Solving

Utilizing Remote Environment Productivity (REP) Scorecards Results

Time Management for Remote Leaders

Creating a Procrastination-Proof Plan

Project/Task Management Techniques and Tracking

Effective Project Management Frameworks

Navigating Resistance to Change

Ethical Considerations for Leaders

LDR-2 Access Course

Access 202

Evaluate the effectiveness of tools, technologies, and platforms for effective remote team management.

Tech-Savvy Leadership

Working with your IT Department

Integrating Technology for Seamless Remote Operations

Security and Privacy in Remote Tools

Cyber Security for Leaders

Remote Hardware for Leaders

Remote Software for Leaders

File Sharing Strategies

Creating Policies and Equipping Staff

Measuring Effectiveness of an Access Plan

Comparative Analysis of Remote Work Platforms

Ethical Considerations for Leaders

LDR-3 Communication Course

COMM 203

Explore practical and innovative practices for maintaining communication and collaboration in a remote environment.

Communicating Standards & Expectations

Effective Virtual Meetings

Building a Communication-Rich Culture Remotely

Innovative Collaboration Techniques

Advanced Digital Communication Tools

Building a Culturally Inclusive Communication Framework

Non-Verbal Communication in a Virtual World

Enhancing Non-Verbal Communication Skills

Introducing and Implementing Communication Tools

Ethical Considerations for Leaders

LDR-4 Engagement Course

Engagement 204

Discover strategies for fostering a positive remote work culture and methods to enhance remote team building.

Preparing the team for Teamwork

Emotional Intelligence and Virtual Leadership

Creating a Strong Remote Work Culture

Remote Team Building Strategies & Activities

Establishing a Psychologically Safe Remote Environment

Socializing Workers to Organizational Climate and Culture

Supporting Creativity, Innovation, and Commitment

Recognition and Reward Systems in a Remote Setting

Mentoring and Developing Talent

Professional Development in a Virtual Environment

Ethical Considerations for Leaders

Ready, Set, Learn


Per Participant
Prerequisite: Certified Remote Professional Certification