Remote Workplace Certification
Our comprehensive Remote Workplace Certification program not only identifies your organization’s strengths and weaknesses in remote processes but also formulates a clear plan for improvement through assessment and consultation.
We can help you establish your organization’s credibility as a remote-friendly workplace, making it more appealing to experienced remote workers. Additionally, it will enable you to cultivate a culture of remote professionalism, ensuring that your remote workforce operates at its highest potential.
Remote Workplace Certification
The associated topics covered within the Remote Workplace Certification follows our PACE Model and covers factors related to productivity, access, communication, and engagement. This certification encompasses the following key areas:

Remote Team Productivity
We analyze your team’s remote productivity and recommend strategies to improve efficiency, time management, and task allocation in a way that supports your organizational culture.
Technology Infrastructure & Access
We evaluate your current technology stack to ensure it supports remote collaboration, communication, and data security. We offer tailored recommendations.
Communication Strategies
Implement tools and provide training on remote collaboration and communication etiquette, video conferencing, and communication across geographies.
Employee Engagement
Program Benefits
- Consulting services to guide your organization through the implementation of remote work best practices.
- Quantitative and qualitative methods for measuring your workplace readiness to support one or more remote workers.
- Clarified expectations for remote professionals and leaders.
- Strategies to work toward making organizational culture consistent in on-site, hybrid, and remote workplace environments.
- Organizational Level Digital Certificate to display workplace commitment on website.
- Opportunity to attract seasoned remote professionals and leaders when recruiting for open positions by showing your commitment to remote work.
Ready, Set, Remote
Remote Workplace Certification
Discounts for Professional and Leader Certifications Available
- Online
- Consultation
- Customized
- Organization Level Certificate
- Resources