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International Journal of Remote Work

Innovative | Relevant | Peer Reviewed

Launching January 2025!

Advancing the Field of Remote Work

We are excited to launch the first volume of the International Journal of Remote Work (IJRW) in January 2025. 

This is an online publication offering peer-reviewed articles that represent the viewpoints and findings of stakeholders in a variety of fields that support remote work. Our vision for the IJRW is to help professionals and leaders stay updated with the latest research contributing to the future of remote work.

The articles will include qualitative and quantitative approaches and observations of remote work practices, strategies, and phenomenon, as well as literature reviews covering insights, theory, and real-world applications empowering practitioners with knowledge to implement evidence-based strategies for optimizing their distributed workforce in a variety of industries.

Call for Proposals

We are accepting proposals for articles on the following topics by September 30, 2024.


Research on factors influencing remote work productivity, methods to enhance performance, and innovative tools and technologies that measure or support remote work efficiency.

Explore the effects of remote work on organizational culture, performance metrics, and long-term business goals and outcomes.

Examine time management practices for remote workers.

Provide insights into scheduling remote teams across time zones.


Analysis of current trends, emerging practices that showcase successful remote work implementations across various industries.

Articles covering advancements in remote work technology, cybersecurity measures, or infrastructure considerations to support remote teams.

Insights into hardware or software needed to manage remote teams from an IT centric viewpoint.


Articles and case studies focusing on effective leadership, communication, and collaboration in remote teams. Example topics could include virtual team dynamics, team-building strategies, best practices for remote team management, or something completely new!

Insights into virtual communication tools, techniques for effective online collaboration

Lessons learned or overcoming challenges related to remote communication.


Exploration of work-life balance challenges faced by remote workers, strategies to maintain well-being, and initiatives by organizations to promote work-life balance in virtual work environments.

Research on recruiting, onboarding, and managing remote talent, including strategies to attract and retain top remote employees.

Research on motivating remote employees, building engagement in virtual teams, and recognizing remote employees’ contributions.

Exploration of maintaining and nurturing a positive organizational culture in a remote work setting, including rituals and practices that promote a sense of belonging.

Get Published as an Industry Representative

Through our International Journal of Remote Work (IJRW), we aim to be a comprehensive resource for those interested in the dynamics of remote work. By serving diverse audiences, we aim to facilitate knowledge exchange, foster innovation, and contribute to the advancement of remote work practices worldwide. Our content is designed to be relevant, informative, and impactful

Here are just a few industry representatives who could benefit from adding to the growing body of knowledge from people representing a variety of fields who have experienced a fully remote or hybrid (partial remote and on-site) work environment.

Faculty & Researchers

Academics and researchers specializing in business, management, organizational behavior, human resources, and related disciplines can benefit from the peer-reviewed research articles.

Business Practitioners and Managers

Professionals working in business management, human resources, and organizational leadership can find practical insights and best practices to navigate the challenges and opportunities of remote work.

Remote Workers and Leaders

Individuals engaged in remote work can gain valuable insights into enhancing their productivity, rethinking historic measures of KPI, areas to consider for maintaining work-life balance, and navigating the challenges of remote work.

Entrepreneurs and Startups

Entrepreneurs and leaders of startup companies can benefit from our journal’s content by gaining valuable knowledge on building remote teams, fostering a remote-friendly culture, and leveraging remote work to enhance productivity and growth.

Students and Scholars

Aspiring students and early-career scholars can gain valuable knowledge by exploring our journal’s content. The articles can serve as a foundation for their research and academic pursuits in the fields of remote work and business management.

 Consultants and Advisors

Consultants and advisors specializing in remote work and organizational transformation can benefit from the evidence-based research and case studies, enabling them to provide valuable guidance to their clients in a variety of fields impacted by remote work.

Entrepreneurs and Startups

Entrepreneurs and leaders of startup companies can benefit from our journal’s content by gaining valuable knowledge on building remote teams, fostering a remote-friendly culture, and leveraging remote work to enhance productivity and growth.

Policy Makers and Government Officials

Government officials and policy makers interested in understanding the implications of remote work on the labor market, workforce policies, and economic development can find relevant research to inform their decisions.

Article Proposal Form

Choose one of the topics above. Complete and submit the form below.

Next Steps

If your proposal is accepted, you will be notified via the email you provide. 

You will receive instructions on how to submit your final article. It should be submitted by the due date provided in the email, and formatted in current APA writing style. Not familiar with this? It’s okay, we can help you out!

Your article will then be reviewed by our Editorial Board and returned to you as approved, further revision needed, or not approved.

When your article is approved it will be published in the International Journal of Remote Work.

IJRW Review Standards

We take great efforts in upholding the highest standards of quality in the articles we publish. Our review process is designed to ensure that the content we present to our readers is not only relevant and insightful but also backed by thorough research and expertise in the field of business and remote work.

Our 7 Tenants of Excellence

We have assembled a distinguished Editorial Board comprising experienced experts and researchers with extensive knowledge in the domain of remote work, spanning fields from business to education. This review team comes from diverse backgrounds and each has a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by remote work. Their expertise ensures the review process is comprehensive and objective.

Upon receiving submissions, our editorial team conducts an initial assessment to ensure the content aligns with the focus and scope of the journal. Submissions meeting these criteria move to the next stage, where they undergo a rigorous peer-review process. The editorial board assigns each submission to subject-matter experts and reviewers who thoroughly evaluate the article’s content, methodology, and conclusions.

Our review process follows a double-blind peer review system to maintain objectivity and impartiality. Authors’ identities are concealed from reviewers, and vice versa. We believe in providing constructive feedback to authors to enhance the quality of their work, irrespective of the publication decision.

Our reviewers assess submissions based on several criteria, including:

Originality and contribution to the field

Methodological soundness and validity of research

Clarity and coherence of writing

Relevance and significance of findings

Ethical considerations in research and reporting

We strive to complete the review process promptly while ensuring a thorough evaluation of each submission. The time taken for the review may vary depending on the complexity of the topic and the availability of reviewers. We are committed to providing fair and unbiased decisions, and every effort is made to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the review process.

Authors of accepted submissions are provided with feedback and revision suggestions to improve their work further. Once the necessary revisions are completed and approved, the articles are prepared for publication in our online journal.

We continually strive to enhance our review process, taking into account feedback from authors, reviewers, and readers. Our commitment to excellence and constant improvement enables us to maintain the journal’s credibility as a reliable source of high-quality research and information on business and remote work.