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Comm 103 Communication
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    Communication for Remote Professionals

    Course Description

    Explore strategies for communicating effectively and selecting appropriate channels within the remote work environment. Complete all Communication (PRO) lessons successfully which counts toward your Remote Professional Certificate.     

    Learning Goals

    1. Identify key concepts related to communication.
    2. Examine factors and practices to enhance communication competence.
    3. Compare and contrast  channels to maximize communication efforts.
    4. Apply etiquette strategies when communicating through various channels.
    5. Create a Professional Code of Ethics for Communication

    Research and References

    Following are sources consulted/additional readings related to the course topics.

    Benson, G., C., (1989). Codes of ethics. Journal of business Ethics, 8, 305-319.

    Boone, L., & Kurtz, P. (2002). Contemporary business. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt. 

    Buerkel-Rothfuss, N.L. (1990). Communication competence: A test-out” procedure. Association for Communication Administration Bulletin 72 (Apr): 68-72. 

    CFI Team. (2022). Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory. Corporate Finance Institute. 

    Chitakornkijsil, P. (2010). Intercultural communication challenges and multinational organizaton communication. International Journal Of Organizational Innovation, 3(2), 6-20.

    Clutterbuck, D. (2001). Communication competence and business success. International Association of Business Communications (IABC).

    Conrad, D. (2014). Workplace Communication Problems: Inquiries by Employees and Applicable Solutions. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly; Antioch 5(4). 105-116. 

    Covey, S. (1990). The seven habits of highly effective people. Fireside. 

    Daft, R. L., & Lengel, R. H. (1986). Organizational information requirements, media richness and structural design. Management science, 32(5), 554-571. 

    Engle, P. (2013). Silos are meant to be broken. Industrial Engineer: IE, 45(7), 18.

    Finley, A. Association of American College and Universities. (2021). How College Contributes to Workforce Success: Employer Views on What Matters Most. 

    Fritz, J.M.H. (2022) Work/life relationships and communication ethics: An exploratory examination. Behavioral Sciences12(4), 104. DOI:10.3390/bs12040104 

    Hofstede, G. (1980). Culture and organizations. International studies of management & organization, 10 (4), 15-41.   

    Gentry, W. A., & Kuhnert, K. W. (2007). Sending signals: Nonverbal communication can speak volumes. Leadership In Action, 27(5), 3-7.

    Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. (2020).  Workplace basics: The competencies employers want.

    Goffman, E. (1959). The presentation of self in everyday life. Doubleday Publishing.   

    Jablin, F., & Putnam, L. (2001). The new handbook of organizational communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 

    Hargie, O. (2011). Skilled Interpersonal Interaction: Research, Theory, and Practice. Routledge). 

    Leary, M.R. (2001). Psychology of Impression Management. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 

    Loom. (2022). Building connection in the post-modern workplace: Exploring the changing ways leaders and employees communicate and collaborate.  

    National Communication Association. (2021) Essential Competencies in the Workplace

    Paul, J., & Strbiak, C. A. (1997). The Ethics of Strategic Ambiguity. Journal Of Business Communication, 34(2), 149-159.

    Shannon, C. and Weaver, N. (1948). A mathematical theory of communication. Bell System Technical Journal.   

    Schwartz, M. (2007). Universal moral values for corporate code of ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 59, 27-44.

    Valentine, S., & Barnett, T. (2004). Ethics codes awareness, perceived ethical values, and organizational commitment. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 23, 359-367.

    Ward, S. (2020). Ditch the business buzzwords: Speak for success. The Balance Small Business.